Menu and Shortcuts#
Here you can find a comprehensive list of the standard main menu entries.
Keyboard shortcut are indicated as [key-combination]
Some of the shortcuts may be different, depending on the used language and desktop environment.
File menu#
Settings and operations related to the current session
New session:
Open a new (empty) session, if the current session is not saved a confirmation dialog is shown.Open:
Open a saved session, if the current session is not saved a confirmation dialog is shown.Save session:
Save the current session.Save as:
Save the current session in a new files.Preferences: Open the application settings dialog.
Toggle fullscreen: Enable/Disable fullscreen mode.
Exit: Close “Linux Show Player”, if the current session is not saved a confirmation dialog is shown.
Edit menu#
Add/Edit cues (accessible right-clicking on empty areas of the layout)
Integration cues: Add cus that communicate with different protocols (MIDI, OSC).
Media cues: Add media-cues.
Action cues: Add different types of action-cues.
Misc cues: Add misc cues.
Undo the last action (the last action is shown in the bottom of the window).Redo:
Redo the last undone action.Select all:
Select all the cues.Select all media cues: Select all and only the media-cues
Deselect all:
Deselect all the cuesInvert selection:
Invert the selection of all the cues.Edit selected cues:
Open a multi-edit dialog for the selected cues.
Layout menu#
This menu give access to layout functionality and display options for the current view.
Cart Layout#
Add page/Add pages: Allows to add one or multiple pages on the current layout. Pages can be switched using the tab bar on top of the layout or directional keys.
Remove current page: Remove the current page and all its cues.
Countdown mode: Cues will display the remaining time instead of the elapsed time.
Show seek-bars: Media cues will display a seek bar, allowing to directly seek to a specific time of the cue.
Show dB-meters: Media cues will display a dB meter on their right side.
Show volume: Media cues will display a volume control on their right side. Setting the volume to the middle point (50%) of the slider sets the volume to +0dB.
Show accurate time: When checked, cues will display play time with a precision of 0.1s. When unchecked the time is only precise down to 1s.
List Layout#
Show dB-meters: Show / hide the db-meters for running media-cues.
Show seek-bars: Show / hide seek bars for running media-cues.
Show accurate time: Show / hide tens of seconds for running media-cues.
Show index column: Show / hide the cue numbers.
Auto-select next cue: If enabled the next cue is selected automatically.
Selection mode:
Enable multi-selection (for editing).Disable GO Key while playing: Disable the “GO” keyboard shortcut while there are playing cues.
Show resize handles: Enable handles that allow to customize the size of various panels.
Restore default size: Reset the size of panels to their defaults.
ReplayGain/Normalization: Volume normalization [see more].
Synchronization: Keep multiple “live” sessions in sync [see more].
Rename Cues: Rename multiple cues at once [see more].
Presets: Manage cues presets [see more].
Info about “Linux Show Player” and some used technologies.
Cues Menu#
Right-clicking a cue will open a menu to access cue-specific options and actions, like editing and copy/paste.